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Thank you for your interest in OGI
We look forward to helping you!
-Paul Igo and Darren Moss at OGI

Teledyne Oceanscience
Teledyne Oceanscience is a world leader in development of oceanographic, hydrographic, and hydrologic deployment equipment designed to save survey time and improve data quality. Our major products are remotely-controlled and tethered instrumentation deployment boats for acoustic Doppler current profilers, the UnderwayCTD that introduced the possibility of affordable and compact profiling from a moving vessel, the revolutionary rapidCAST™ automated profiland the popular Sea Spider and Barnacle seafloor platforms. We supply turnkey remote hydrographic survey boat systems to individual project specifications, typically including environmental monitoring or bathymetry equipment, GPS positioning and data telemetry.
  • Oceanographic / Geophysical Vehicles
2245 Camino Vida Roble
Suite 100
Carlsbad, CA 92011
(760) 754-2400
Teledyne Oceanscience
Do you know what you are looking for, but are not finding it here? Please contact us to find out what is available to suit your needs.

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