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combined side scan sonar & sub-bottom profilers
combined side
scan sonar
& sub-bottom

The 2000 Series combines EdgeTech's highly successful line of side scan sonars and sub-bottom profilers into one fully integrated system.

The combined side scan sonar and sub-bottom profiling system comes in a choice of three different towfish: 2000-CSS, 2000-DSS and 2000-TVD. The CSS comes with a low frequency 500 Hz - 12 kHz sub-bottom profiler and is designed for applications that require sub-bottom penetration in water depths of up to 300m. The DSS comes with a higher frequency 2 - 16 kHz sub-bottom profiler and is designed for applications that require high resolution sub-bottom imagery in depths of up to 2,000m. The 2000-TVD comes with a low frequency 1 - 10 kHz sub-bottom profiler and is depth rated to 3000 meters. All towfish come with the choice of either a 100/400 kHz or 300/600 kHz dual simultaneous frequency CHIRP side scan sonar which will provide an excellent combination of range and resolution.

A standard 2000 Series System comes complete with a combined towfish, digital telemetry that runs over a single coaxial cable up to 6,000 meters long and a 19 inch rack mount topside processor running EdgeTech's DISCOVER acquisition software. The 2000 Series System can be integrated with a number of auxiliary sensors such as magnetometer, depth, altitude and USBL responder.

Additionally, for those organizations that have the need for both a deep rated (3000m) towed and ROV side scan sonar and sub-bottom system, the 2000-DSS is available in a configuration that allows for easy conversion between the two solutions with a single package.

Another great product of EdgeTech

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